Richard Durning's Charity
Registered Charity No.1010561
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By 1988 the building was in a poor state of repair and a major refurbishment was undertaken by Lancashire County Council. The total cost of the work was a remarkable £60,000.
The work commenced in January 1989. Only one day’s work was lost as a result of poor weather while re-roofing. The hall reverted to its previous role as two classrooms for classes 2 and 3 while the stage doubled as the office. The new gas boiler installed a year or two later heralded the end of weekend boiler duty for the caretaker and also emergency shovelling by the headteacher when the auto-stoker failed during the day!
School in 1988 before refurbishment
Wall bulge corrected. Individual stones numbered and replaced.
Joinery work over the staffroom. The poor state of the existing timbers is clearly seen.
Upper room open to the sky. Two massive oak purlins had to be replaced. (Visible far left)
Still much to do!
Before Sandblasting
After Sandblasting